HappyMail Heart to Heart

Write a letter. Make a card. Spread kindness.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently collecting photos and scans of letters and artwork. Please see the Virtual HappyMail page to learn more.
In this age of screens and instant communication, we often forget the power of a handwritten note. You have the power to brighten a senior’s day with just a few minutes of your time by creating a kind, personalized card or letter featuring a handwritten message.
Through HappyMail Heart to Heart, we feature one senior each month who could use some words of kindness. Your card(s) or letter(s) can be sent to our P.O. box. All of the personalized mail will be sent to the nominated senior in one beautiful bundle!
Past Nominee: Phyllis
February’s HappyMail Heart-to-Heart Nominee
Phyllis, a disabled senior from Salem, IL was nominated by her friend, who exlained that Phyllis was going through some difficult times and could really use some words of hope and encouragement. “She is sad right now and voiced that she would like to receive mail.” Her friend explained that Phyllis had suffered a stroke and is wheelchair bound. She lives with her younger sister, who cares for her, and can’t often leave the house. “She doesn’t want to bother anyone,” explained her friend.
Phyllis, 67, spent a large part of her life in Branson, MO and came from a large family. “I believe there was about 13 kids in the family. Raised dirt poor, but had an honest up bringing, good people. Heart of gold, finds comfort in God,” she said, adding that Phyllis loves animals and country living.
HappyMail for Phyllis can be sent to:
Phyllis’ HappyMail
c/o Stay Gold Society
P.O. Box 21015
Manning Road Post Office
Windsor, ON
N8N 4S1
Whether you want to write a short and sweet note about your day, a lengthy letter of encouragement, or a vibrant postcard, each and every piece of mail will be much appreciated!
Please send in your letters and cards for Phyllis by Feb. 20.